[Thiago Cafe] Programming is fun!

About this blog

This blog is about programming and other technological things. Written by someone developing software for fun and professionally for longer than I want to admit and in more programming languages that I can remember

Adding your rust project to brew

(Posted 2024-09-04 02:06:39)

This is a body example Please remove it and replace with your content

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Book recommendation - Rust

(Posted 2024-08-15 04:34:07)

I received a post from a friend of mine of a guy who developed games in rust and who also developed a small game engine in rust ranting about the language and about the borrow checker.

I sympathize with the guy - up to a certain point - as I had a similar experience

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Deserialising binary data in Rust

(Posted 2024-08-14 17:11:15)

One common way to deal with serialised data in C++ is to map to a struct, but in Rust with memory ownership and some smart memory optimizations, it is a little more complicated.

For example, let's say a producer in C++ serialises this message:

struct book_msg {  
    uint8_t major_version, // byte 0: message major version  
    uint8_t minor_version, // byte 1: message minor version  
    uint8_t msg_type,      // byte 2: message type  
    uint8_t title[20]      // byte 3-23: title of the book  
// ....
auto msg = create_msg();
comm.send(&msg, sizeof(book_msg));

How can we deserialise that in Rust?

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RSS feed added to Thiago Cafe!

(Posted 2024-08-03 00:22:16)

A Rust developer on twitter posted:

"It would be nice to reed updates to your blog in an RSS feed."

Indeed that is a great idea and I implemented on Texted 0.3.6!

Now you can subscribe to this blog using your preferred RSS client using the url https://thiagocafe.com/rss

Happy reading!

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Quick tip: Type of tokio spawn return

(Posted 2024-06-03 19:03:45)

When I was implementing the metrics task using tokio, I wanted to save the result JoinHandle in a struct and I saw the type being displayed by the IDE: JoinHandle<?>

What does it mean?

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Another way to deserialise DateTime in Rust

(Posted 2024-06-02 20:53:59)

In a previous post, I wanted to deserialise a date from a Toml file and implemented the Deserialize trait for a type NaiveDate. When I was implementing metrics, I had to do it again, but implement serialise and deserialise for NaiveDate and I found another way, possibly simpler, to serialise and deserialise NaiveDate.

First: add derive support to your Cargo.toml

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Installing a Nerd Font in Ubuntu

(Posted 2024-05-07 21:45:41)

This is a simple step-by-step guide to install nerd fonts in Ubuntu


Download the font you want from Nerd Fonts website https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads

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How to deserialise DateTime from toml configuration

(Posted 2024-04-25 17:07:56)

When implementing a new configuration parameter for Texted, I needed something to represent the date the blog started.

When looking into the TOML website, I was fortunate to discover that it has a data type for dates, so I could create the new parameter

blog_start_date = 2016-06-25

However, my fortune was gone as I found that the Toml crate does not support deserialising.

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How to sort a vector of a custom struct in Rust

(Posted 2024-03-08 04:39:59)

When implementing tags for Texted2, I had a list of tags being:

let tags: Vec<(&str, u32)>; // Tag name, number of posts containing this tag

And I need to sort it by the second item of the tuple, the tag count.

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Texted2 released!

(Posted 2024-02-29 23:59:18)

Some years ago, I create a blog application in D and called Texted. The idea that time was to learn D using a project. This time, to learn Rust, I created a new version of that same blog application, but faster and improved.

I present you, texted2!


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About this blog

This blog is about programming and other technological things. Written by someone developing software for fun and professionally for longer than I want to admit and in more programming languages that I can remember